Seterra Geography - Home | Facebook Geography. February 2 at 9:15 PM ·. Memorizing the Asian countries just got fun! This map quiz game features colorful cartoons that represent the country or region you click on. To see all the pictures, you’ll need to work your way through the whole map. But it won’t feel like work as the map fills up bright cartoons, and before ...
Seterra - (1997) PC, Android, iOS, Web. Leaderboards. Full Game Leaderboard Level Leaderboard All Afghanistan: Provinces Africa North of the Equator: Countries Africa South of the Equator: Countries Africa: Capitals Africa: Capitals (no Small Islands Capitals) Africa: Cities Africa: Cities (Difficult Version) Africa: Countries (no Archipelago ...
Seterra Geography Games
https://www.seterra.comNine different game modes in Seterra Online challenge you in different ways to help you retain information and keep things interesting. Also, Seterra Online has a Voice feature that lets you listen to how the place names are pronounced.. Seterra currently has more than three million unique visitors each month and growing! It is available in more than 40 languages and works …
Seterra Geography Games
www.seterra.comLearn world geography the easy way! Seterra is a map quiz game, available online and as an app for iOS an Android. Using Seterra, you can quickly learn to locate countries, capitals, cities, rivers lakes and much more on a map.
Seterra - Juegos de Geografíaás, Seterra Online tiene una función de voz que te permite escuchar cómo se pronuncian los nombres de los lugares. ¡Seterra Online tiene actualmente 3 000 000 visitantes distintos cada mes, y hay cada vez más! Está disponible en 40 idiomas y funciona con Mac y Windows, así como en dispositivos iOS y Android.
Seterra - Die ultimative Karten-Quiz-Seite! - Die ultimative Karten-Quiz-Seite! Seterra ist ein anspruchsvolles Online-Erdkunde-Spiel mit mehr als 300 unterschiedlichen Aufgabenstellungen, die bei immer mehr Menschen weltweit beliebt sind. Es gilt hierbei, die vorgegebenen Städte, Länder, Flüsse, Meere, Inseln oder Seen in einem bestimmten Teil der Erde durch Klicken auf die ...
Jogo Geográfico Educativo - Seterra › ptSeterra é um jogo de geografia divertido e educativo que lhe dá acesso a mais de 200 questionários personalizáveis. Seterra irá desafiár você com quizzes sobre países, capitais, bandeiras, oceanos, lagos e muito mais! Introduzido em 1997 e disponível em 40 idiomas diferentes, Seterra tem ajudado um monte de pessoas a estudar geografia ...
Seterra Geography on the App Store › us › appSeterra Map Quiz - What's Your World Geography IQ? Whether you're studying for final exams or Final Jeopardy, Seterra has the geography category covered. The popular online and desktop based map quiz classic that has been entertaining and educating geography buffs ages 8-88 for more than 20 years has gone mobile.
Seterra Geography Games
online.seterra.comSeterra can help you learn about more than geography--we offer a collection of engaging science quizzes too! There are quizzes on the human anatomy, covering the skeletal system, major muscles, organs, and more. You can learn the periodic table, and play helpful quiz games about general science topics as well, like cloud types, animal and plant ...
Seterra Geography Games
https://online.seterra.comSeterra can help you learn about more than geography--we offer a collection of engaging science quizzes too! There are quizzes on the human anatomy, covering the skeletal system, major muscles, organs, and more. You can learn the periodic table, and play helpful quiz games about general science topics as well, like cloud types, animal and plant ...