Seterra Geography Games
www.seterra.comSeterra is a map quiz game, available online and as an app for iOS an Android. Using Seterra, you can quickly learn to locate countries, capitals, cities, rivers lakes and much more on a map. Welcome to Seterra, the ultimate map quiz site!
Finland: Regions - Map Quiz Game - Seterra - GeoGuessr › vgp › 3011Of all the countries in the European Union, Finland has the lowest population density. In the extensive Lapland region there are only two people every square kilometer. That bit of geography trivia is interesting enough, but can you find Lapland on a map? If not, you better study up using this map quiz game, and learn the 18 regions while you are at it!
Luokitus: Maakunnat 2023 | Tilastokeskus - Stat › fi › luokituksetHeinävesi (090) siirtyy Etelä-Savon maakunnasta (10) Pohjois-Karjalan maakuntaan (12). Iitti (142) siirtyy Kymenlaakson maakunnasta (08) Päijät-Hämeen maakuntaan (07). Isokyrö (152) siirtyy Pohjanmaan maakunnasta (15) Etelä-Pohjanmaan maakuntaan (14). Joroinen (171) siirtyy Etelä-Savon maakunnasta (10) Pohjois-Savon maakuntaan (11).
Finland: Cities - Map Quiz Game - Seterra - GeoGuessr all the countries in the European Union, Finland is the most sparsely inhabited, in part because the land is covered in almost 200,000 lakes! Even so, there are nine cities in Finland with populations of over one hundred thousand, including the interestingly named Jyväskylä. One of the cities is even above the Arctic Circle, near the home of the real …
Finland: Regions - Map Quiz Game - Seterra - GeoGuessr all the countries in the European Union, Finland has the lowest population density. In the extensive Lapland region there are only two people every square kilometer. That bit of geography trivia is interesting enough, but can you find Lapland on a map? If not, you better study up using this map quiz game, and learn the 18 regions while you are at it!
Suomen maakunnat peli - Srch-hakukone - Maantietopelit. Seterra on haastava, maantietoon pohjautuva peli. Opi Afrikan, Euroopan, Etelä-Amerikan, Pohjois-Amerikan, Aasian ja Australian maista, pääkaupungeista, meristä, lipuista ja kaupungeista ääriviivapiirrettyjen karttaharjoitusten avulla! Seterra perustettiin vuonna 1997, jonka jälkeen se on käännetty 40 eri ...