Seterra - Juegos de Geografía › es¡Seterra Online tiene actualmente 3 000 000 visitantes distintos cada mes, y hay cada vez más! Está disponible en 40 idiomas y funciona con Mac y Windows, así como en dispositivos iOS y Android. Estados Unidos Alabama, Alaska, Arizona... ¡Aprende a identificar en un mapa los 50 estados de Estados Unidos y sus capitales y ciudades principales!
The Ultimate Map Quiz Site - Seterra - GeoGuessr › quiz › seterraBecome a geography expert and have fun at the same time! Seterra is an entertaining and educational geography game that gives you access to over 400 customizable quizzes. Seterra will challenge you with quizzes about countries, capitals, flags, oceans, lakes and more! Introduced in 1997 and available in more than 40 different languages, Seterra has helped millions of people study geography and ...
North and Central America: Countries - Map Quiz Game › vgp › 3015Stretching from Panama to northern Canada, North and Central America is the only continent where you can find every climate type. It is also home to over 500 million people in 24 countries. Use this online map quiz to illustrate these points along with other information from the North and Central American geography unit. Interactive educational games make for excellent classroom activities.If ...
Seterra geografispel › svSeterra blir en del av. GeoGuessr är ett spel där du får upptäcka världen och testa din förmåga att lista ut var du befinner dig. Som en del av resan mot vår vision att få alla att upptäcka hur roligt det är att utforska världen, så har nu Seterra blivit en del av GeoGuessr.GeoGuessr kommer att fortsätta att utveckla och ...
South America: Countries - Map Quiz Game - Seterra - GeoGuessr › vgp › 3016Most of the population of South America lives near the continent's western or eastern coasts while the interior and the far south are sparsely populated. Brazil is the world's fifth-largest country by both area and population. Identifying Uruguay, Suriname, and Guyana may be a little tougher to find on an online map. This interactive educational game will help you dominate that next geography ...
Seterra Geography Games
www.seterra.comSeterra currently has more than three million unique visitors each month and growing! It is available in more than 40 languages and works with Mac and Windows, as well as on iOS and Android devices. All map quizzes are customizable, so that you can select only the locations you want to be quizzed on.
Seterra Geography Games
https://www.seterra.comVerkkoLearning geography doesn't have to be boring. Do it the easy way with Seterra! In no time, you could learn to locate every single country in the world on a map. Seterra includes …