Seterra Geographie-Quizspiele Online ermöglicht mit dem Voice Feature Dir die Aussprache von den Namen der Länder etc. anzuhören. Seterra Online zählt zurzeit ~3'000'000 Besucher jeden Monat, und wächst! Es ist verfügbar in 40 Sprachen und funktioniert mit Mac und Windows, wie auch auf iOS- und Androidgeräten. die Vereinigten Staaten Alabama, Alaska, Arizona...
Białoruś: Miasta - Testy geograficzne jest darmową grą-quizem o tematyce geograficznej. Za jej pomocą możesz poznawać kraje, stany i stolice całego świata. Jest to wersja online, napisana w HTML5. Współpracuje z najnowszymi wersjami większości przeglądarek internetowych, takich jak Safari, Firefox i Google Chrome, a także z przeglądarką Internet Explorer 9 i nowszą.
Seterra Geography Games to Seterra, the ultimate map quiz site! You can use Seterra from any web browser to explore the world and learn about its countries, capitals, cities, rivers, lakes and more! To get started with Seterra, just select your language: Afrikaans Čeština (Czech) Català (Catalan) Dansk (Danish) Deutsch (German) English Eesti (Estonian)
Europe Geography Games - Seterra › seterra › enThe massive northwestern peninsula of Eurasia is better known as the continent of Europe. It begins in the east with the Russian Ural Mountains and its western edge is defined by the Atlantic Ocean. To the southeast is Asia, and on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea to the south lies Africa.
Seterra Geography Games
https://www.seterra.comMore than 400 free map quiz games in more than 40 languages The Ultimate Map Quiz Site! Nine different game modes in Seterra Online challenge you in different ways to help you retain information and keep things interesting. Also, Seterra Online has a Voice feature that lets you listen to how the place names are pronounced.
Seterra Geography Games
www.seterra.comMore than 400 free map quiz games in more than 40 languages The Ultimate Map Quiz Site! Nine different game modes in Seterra Online challenge you in different ways to help you retain information and keep things interesting. Also, Seterra Online has a Voice feature that lets you listen to how the place names are pronounced.
Europe: Capitals - Map Quiz Game - Seterra › seterra › enSeterra is an entertaining and educational geography game that lets you explore the world and learn about its countries, capitals, flags, oceans, lakes and more! You can access the Seterra online quiz site using your computer, phone, or tablet running the latest version of most web browsers, including Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
Seterra - (1997) PC, Android, iOS, Web. Leaderboards. Full Game Leaderboard Level Leaderboard All Afghanistan: Provinces Africa North of the Equator: Countries Africa South of the Equator: Countries Africa: 12 Landmarks Africa: Capitals Africa: Capitals (no Small Islands Capitals) Africa: Cities Africa: Cities (Difficult Version) Africa ...
Seterra - Quiz di geografia è un gioco di geografia divertente ed educativo che ti dà accesso a oltre 300 quiz personalizzabili.Seterra ti sfiderà con quiz su nazioni, capitali, bandiere, oceani, laghi e molto altro ancora! Introdotto nel 1997 e disponibile in 40 lingue diverse, Seterra ha aiutato migliaia di persone a studiare geografia e conoscere il mondo.