Donate Used Clothing & Household Goods |
vvapickup.orgVVA Pickup is a service of Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA). We’ll pickup your used clothes and household goods at your convenience and use them to support programs that address the concerns and needs of all veterans. VVA is a national veterans service organization serving the needs of all U.S. veterans. VVA is funded by various fund-raising ...
Donate to Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) › about-vvaThe VVA is a respected charity that gives aid to all of America’s veterans, not just those of a particular age group or war. By donating used clothes, shoes, small appliances, and other household items, you help generate funds to take care of the soldiers and service men and women who help keep America safe from harm.
Donate to VVA | Vietnam Veterans of America donation process is simple, fast and secure, and your car donation will help us to provide critical support services for our defenders of freedom in their time of need. Call toll free today at 1-800-Help-Vets (435-7838) or use our easy online donation form to schedule your free towing.
Donate Used Clothing & Household Goods |
vvapickup.orgVVA is funded by various fund-raising activities and membership with over 72,000 members in 500+ chapters nationwide. Donation Items Needed Clothing & Shoes All types and sizes for all ages Baby Items Boys and girls clothing, strollers, toys, and more Kitchenware Dishes, glassware, utensils, pots, pans and general kitchen items Small Furniture
Schedule a Donation Pickup - VVA St Louis
www.vvapickupstlouis.orgDonations collected by Vietnam Veterans of America help fund local programs and services to support our mission. With your help we can better serve our community, as well as give the donated items a new life outside of a landfill. Registering for an account will allow you to: Easily schedule donation pickups in the future
Donate to VVA | Vietnam Veterans of America › donateThe donation process is simple, fast and secure, and your car donation will help us to provide critical support services for our defenders of freedom in their time of need. Call toll free today at 1-800-Help-Vets (435-7838) or use our easy online donation form to schedule your free towing. Join the thousands of other satisfied car donors who ...
Donate to Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) VVA is a respected charity that gives aid to all of America’s veterans, not just those of a particular age group or war. By donating used clothes, shoes, small appliances, and other household items, you help generate funds to take care of the soldiers and service men and women who help keep America safe from harm.