Donate Used Clothing & Household Goods |
vvapickup.orgVVA Pickup is a service of Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA). We’ll pickup your used clothes and household goods at your convenience and use them to support programs that address the concerns and needs of all veterans. Schedule Now VVA is a national veterans service organization serving the needs of all U.S. veterans.
Home - Pickup Service
vvapickupservice.orgChoose an option below to schedule your pickup! Place items outside Leave clearly labeled bags or boxes outside your house on the designated pick-up day. Driver will pickup Our driver will pick up your donation and leave a tax deduction receipt for you. We pick up RAIN or SHINE!! Schedule Your Free Home Pickup Today
Vietnam Veterans of America of New Jersey – DonationTown pick up areas for VVA in NJ include Bergen, Burlington, Essex, Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, and Union Counties. All over the …
Vietnam Veterans of America of New Jersey › charity › v...The pick up areas for VVA in NJ include Bergen, Burlington, Essex, Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, and Union Counties. All over ...
Schedule A Pickup - Pickup Please › vva-pickupSchedule Your Free Donation Pickup Easy online scheduling right from your computer or mobile device FAST service within as little as 24hrs for many locations Tax deduction document delivered to your email Wide range of acceptable donations include clothing, shoes, purses, household items, toys, and more Your donations help support U.S. Veterans!
Pickup Locations | Vietnam Veterans of America › pickup-locationsWE ESPECIALLY NEED CLOTHING! Clothing of all types & sizes (men’s, ladies, children’s, baby’s) • Clothing accessories • Shoes (all kinds) Baby items • House and glassware • Books, toys, bikes • Stereos, radios, portable TVs • All bedding, draperies, curtains Kitchenware • Usable small furniture & rugs • Small appliances ...
New Jersey | Vietnam Veterans of America › pickup-locations › new-jerseySchedule a Pickup Online Atlantic and Ocean City-Camden-Vineland Serving the following counties: Atlantic Burlington Camden Cape May Cumberland Gloucester Ocean Salem Schedule by Phone (800) 775-VETS (8387) Schedule a Pickup Online Newark Union-Edison-Trenton-Princeton Serving the following counties: Essex Hunterdon Mercer Monmouth Morris Somerset