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list of vietnam veterans

Vietnam Veterans
According to federal law, the United States' military involvement in the Vietnam War began in February 1961 and lasted until May 1975. Approximately 2.7 million American men and women …
Vietnam Veterans - Veterans › persona › veteran-vietnam
Vietnam Veterans United States military involvement in the Vietnam War officially began on August 5, 1964; however, the first U.S. casualty in Vietnam occurred on July 8, 1959. Approximately 2.7 million American men and women served in Vietnam. During the war, over 58,000 U.S. military members lost their lives and 153,000 were wounded.
Nominal Roll of Vietnam Veterans › viet...
The Nominal Roll of Vietnam Veterans honours and commemorates approximately 61,000 people who served in Australia's defence forces during the period 23 May ...
The Names - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund › the-names
Beside each name is a symbol that denotes a service member's status: either missing or confirmed dead. On the west wall, the symbol precedes the name; on the ...
Nominal Roll of Vietnam Veterans
3.5.2022 · The Nominal Roll of Vietnam Veterans honours and commemorates approximately 61,000 people who served in Australia's defence forces during the period 23 May 1962 to 29 …
Lists - Vietnam Soldier › lists
Brooks, Terry R. * Brookman, Michael Bough, John R. Broughton, Delbert * Brown, Gerald M. Brown, Holbert L. Brown, Jack Brummett, Randall A. Bruno, Ralph J. * Bryan, Donald A. * Buford, James A. Burke, Harold E. * Burr, Joseph P. * Carpenter, Ronald Campbell, Douglas R. * Carter, President * Chapa, Renaldo C. Cheyney, Roger Chisum, Don E. *
Vietnam War | National Archives › research
The National Archives has a wealth of records and information documenting the U.S. experience in the Vietnam conflict. These include photographs, textual ...
Is There a List of Vietnam Era Veterans? -
2.4.2020 · A complete list of all Vietnam veterans is unavailable. However, as of 2015, an alphabetical list of all Vietnam veterans who have died through 2014 is maintained at …
State-Level, Sorted Alphabetically by Last Name | National Archives
23.9.2016 · (in PDF format, sorted alphabetically by last name of casualty) American Samoa Guam Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Canal Zone Alabama / Alaska / Arizona / Arkansas / California / …
The Names - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund
In honor of the men and women of the armed forces of the United States who served in the Vietnam War. The names of those who gave their lives and of those who remain missing are …
Browse by Last Name (Veterans History Project, Library of ... › browse-vets
Browse by Last Name (Veterans History Project, Library of Congress).
How many REAL Vietnam vets are alive today?
After extensive research of various mortality indexes and sources The American War Library estimates that approximately one-third of those who did serve in Vietnam (approximately …
Online Vietnam War Indexes & Records › vie...
A list of online Vietnam War indexes and records for genealogy and historical research.
Vietnam War POW/MIA List › Our-Missing
Vietnam War POW/MIA List. Accounted-For: This report includes the U.S. personnel who have been accounted for (including POW returnees and POW escapees) and ...
Wall Information - The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Page › names
The first American soldier killed in the Vietnam War was Air Force T-Sgt. ... Others list Gary L. Hall, Joseph N. Hargrove and Danny G. Marshall as the last ...
List of Vietnam Veterans Per State | The Firearms Forum
17.10.2011 · | Del Re: List of Vietnam Veterans Per State-----Unfortunately, the list is either of all veterans or has some other problem. There were only 2.5 million who served in Vietnam. It's a …
Vietnam Veterans by State 2022 -
The Vietnam War was a conflict of the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies, the Viet Cong, in South Vietnam versus the government of the South Vietnam government and the …
Is There a List of Vietnam Era Veterans? - › history › list-vietnam-era
Apr 02, 2020 · A complete list of all Vietnam veterans is unavailable. However, as of 2015, an alphabetical list of all Vietnam veterans who have died through 2014 is maintained at by the Vietnam Veterans of America. Enter the phrase “memorial list” in the Search field on the main Web page.
List of Vietnam Veterans Per State | The Firearms Forum › threads › list-of-vietnam
Mar 06, 2003 · | Del All List of Vietnam Veterans Per State -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "THE BEST MEDAL IS A LIVE MAN'S SMILE." Alabama 104,244 Nebraska 53,054 Alaska 31,044 Nevada 60,825 Arizona 144,728 New Hampshire 45,321 California 951,588 New Jersey 198,956 Colorado 154,208 New Mexico 61,136
United States Vietnam War 1964 to 1972 - FamilySearch › wiki
The lists are based on the "home of record - state" data provided by the serviceman or woman upon last entrance into military ...