English Proficiency for GTAs | English Language Learning ...
elli.wvu.edu › testing-resources › englishNov 9, 2022 · In addition to demonstrating English proficiency for admission to West Virginia University, all Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) are required to provide evidence that they have an adequate level of speaking proficiency to instruct a course in English (or, in some cases, in another language). Using tests that have a separate speaking component, the TOEFL iBT and IELTS, a satisfactory speaking score can be used to indicate English speaking proficiency.
City Colleges of Chicago - Language Placement Test FAQ
www.ccc.edu › menu › PagesThe Language Placement Test from Emmersion Learning © is a language proficiency assessment aligned to national language standards as determined by American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). It is used to ensure that students are placed appropriately in language courses in order to communicate in a World Language.
Automated Language Testing | Emmersion
emmersion.aiTest for speaking, writing, or grammar skills in under 15 minutes with immediate results. Access anytime, anywhere Once you’ve automated your assessment sending process through our user-friendly admin portal, candidates can take their assessments wherever and whenever it’s convenient for them.
Automated Speaking & Writing Assessments | Emmersion
emmersion.ai › productsTest-takers follow the individual email invitation or multi-use link to access the test-taker dashboard and complete the assessments in the selected languages. 3. Review the results. Once the assessment is completed, easily find and review the immediate results and score reports on the administrator dashboard.