City Colleges of Chicago - CCC Placement Tests › services › PagesA student who has completed an Advanced Placement (AP), College-Level Examination (CLEP), or International Baccalaureate credit (IB) examination with results that would grant credit for college-level English and/or math. You must submit an official record of your test score. For more information visit the CCC websites for AP, CLEP, or IB credits.
City Colleges of Chicago - Language Placement Test FAQ › menu › PagesTo take the test at a CCC location, follow the procedures at the Testing Center at your college. Some colleges handle walk-ins, but others may not. Please check with the college Testing Center ahead of time. If taken at a CCC Testing Center, the test will be administered by the Testing Center Coordinator and staff at one of the seven City Colleges.
City Colleges of Chicago - CCC Placement Tests › services › PagesCCC Placement Tests Placement Test General Information New and returning students without valid placement scores or passing grades are required to take the placement test before registering. The ALEK math placement test determines where a student should begin Math classes and/or classes that require specific math-level eligibility.