The CEFR Levels - Common European Framework of Reference for ... › en › webLaunched in 2001, the CEFR marked a major turning point as it can be adapted and used for multiple contexts and applied for all languages. The CEFR is based on all these achievements and has developed a description of the process of mastering an unknown language by type of competence and sub-competence, using descriptors for each competence or sub-competence, on which we shall not go into further detail here.
The Ultimate Guide to CEFR Language Levels: from A1 to C2 › cefr-language-levelsSep 30, 2018 · What is CEFR? The genuine and official definition of CEFR is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. That sounds cool. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t say much. At least to me. To put it differently, CEFR is what helps you to determine how good your language skills are no matter what language you’re learning. Depending on what you can (or cannot) do in your target language, CEFR assesses your proficiency according to its levels, from A1 to C2.
The CEFR and EF SET - EF Standard English Test › cefrThe CEFR, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is one of many frameworks that describe your language proficiency. There are several frameworks with similar aims including the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines (ACTFL), the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB), and the Interagency Language Roundtable scale (ILR).
CEFR Levels: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide - She's Fluent › cefr-levelsMar 1, 2021 · CEFR stands for Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It was created with the goal to provide a method of learning, teaching and assessing which applies to all languages in Europe. There are three levels: A: basic user, B: independent user, C: proficient user. There are two levels within each A, B, and C level.