PacketFlow - For Ashita and Windower - › forum › topicJun 1, 2022 · Thus, there are now plugins (both named Packetflow) for Ashita and Windower that decrease that time-per-packet from 400ms to 250ms, effectively increasing bandwidth by 60%. They do not completely solve the problem of dropped chunks in instances, but they do make it better. Additionally, they make loading zones quite a bit faster.
Windower or Ashita? : r/ffxi - reddit › r › ffxiThe Ashita developer makes some more rule-breaking tools and charges a fee to unlock them, and allows more rule-breaking add-ons to be posted to his forums. Similar add-ons have been made for Windower, but aren't posted to their forums and aren't made as easy to find. Reply More posts you may like r/ffxi•
Windower or Ashita in 2022? : r/ffxi - reddit › r › ffxiAshita's plugin SDK is entirely open source so anyone is free to make plugins for it. Ashita and Windower both also offer the option to script addons via Lua. Both projects are fully compatible with retail and suitable for playing. In regards to the lack of visual updates, both projects have moved their main communities to Discord.
Windower or Ashita? : r/ffxi - reddit › r › ffxiAshita: Uses AshitaCast for gear swaps, which uses a powerful modified XML format that is better-documented and easier to use than Windower's GearSwap. Allows you to load DAT mods from an external directory without overwriting your game files. Awesome feature. Most things related to configuration are easier to achieve in Ashita.