Index • Ashita v4 Documentation
docs.ashitaxi.comAshita is a free feature-rich third-party enhancement/modification for the MMORPG, Final Fantasy XI. Ashita operates by launching and directly injecting itself ( Ashita.dll) into the games main process. (Generally pol.exe unless using a modified boot loader for private servers.)
Features • Ashita v4 Documentation › featuresAshita comes packed full of various built-in features to greatly enhance a players experience. Complimenting the built-in features, Ashita also offers a feature-rich plugin SDK allowing developers to further enhance the game client. The included core plugin, Addons, also further extends how developers can further extend Ashita via Lua scripting.
Ashita · GitHub Public Issue tracker and wiki for the Ashita project. 3 1 Documentation-v3 Public Source code and content to the Ashita v3 documentation. SCSS 1 2 Ashita-v4beta …