European Parliament
www.europarl.europa.euThe official website of the European Parliament, the directly elected legislative body of the European Union Access to page content (press 'Enter') Direct access to language menu (press "Enter")
Home | Plenary | European Parliament › plenaryJan 19, 2023 · For plenary sittings, the 705 Members of the European Parliament meet in the Chambers in Strasbourg and Brussels. Members sit in political groups. Those who do not belong to a group sit as non-attached Members. There are two Chamber seating plans, one for Strasbourg and one for Brussels; they are updated for each part-session. See:
Headlines | News | European Parliament › newsJan 18, 2023 · News European Parliament Headlines Press room Agenda FAQ Headlines Watch the plenarylive streaming Priority European Parliament’s Sakharov Prize 2022 The brave Ukrainian people honoured Priority Ukraine How the EU is supporting Ukraine Priority Conference on the Future of Europe: follow-up Meeting people’s expectations for the EU Priority