Agendas | Plenary | European Parliament › plenary › enDec 20, 2022 · Voting Time provisional list 14-12-2022 - 19:03. Results of roll call votes - 14/12/2022 14-12-2022 - 13:20. Agenda for the sittings of 12 - 15 December 2022 15-12-2022 - 10:00. Results of roll call votes - 13/12/2022 13-12-2022 - 12:25. Results of roll call votes - 12/12/2022 12-12-2022 - 18:35. Deadlines for the 16 - 19 January 2023 part-session 14-12-2022 - 13:00.
Calendar | Plenary | European Parliament › plenary › enParliament decides its annual calendar of work on the basis of a proposal by the Conference of Presidents. The calendar is divided into plenary sittings (part-sessions) and meetings. It comprises : 12 four-day part-sessions in Strasbourg and additional two-day part-sessions in Brussels, two weeks a month for meetings of parliamentary committees and interparliamentary delegations,