Jan 19, 2023 · Main page of the European Parliament’s plenary website. Live streaming, updated speaker list, plenary news, priority information and priority documents.
VerkkoConclusions of the European Council meeting of 15 December 2022: opening statements by Charles MICHEL, President of the European Council and by Ursula von der …
VerkkoWebstreaming | Meetings | Committees | European Parliament Webstreaming Video recordings of webstreamed Committee meetings, which took place during former …
The European Parliament is the only directly-elected EU body. Members of the Parliament represent you, the citizen, and make decisions which affect you direc...
VerkkoÀ propos du Parlement; Plénière; Commissions; Délégations; Autres sites. Actualité; Députés; À propos du Parlement; Plénière; Commissions; Délégations; À votre …
À propos du Parlement; Plénière; Commissions; Délégations; Autres sites. Actualité; Députés; À propos du Parlement; Plénière; Commissions; Délégations; À votre service; Le site du Président; Secrétariat général; Think Tank; EP Newshub; Visites; Legislative train; Marchés et subventions; Registre
S&Ds stand for an inclusive European society based on principles of freedom, equality, solidarity, diversity and fairness. We fight for social justice, ...
Main page of the European Parliament's plenary website. Live streaming, updated speaker list, plenary news, priority information and priority documents.
Parlamentarium. Starting during European Gender Equality Week in October 2022, the exhibition “Art HERstory: Female perspectives in the European Parliament’s Contemporary Art Collection” will be on display in the Parlamentarium until International Women's Day on 8 March 2023.
VerkkoCheck out the latest news, watch our meetings live and follow MEPs on social media. Today in Parliament ; Latest news ; Videos and live streamings ; MEPs on social media . …
Jan 17, 2023 · Committee of inquiry to investigate the use of the Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware. upcoming. 19/01/2023 09:00 - 16:00. Plenary.
Jan 19, 2023 · Page principale du site de la plénière du Parlement européen. Vidéo en direct, liste actualisée des orateurs, nouvelles de la plénière, informations prioritaires et documents prioritaires.