English levels CEFR description- A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2
tracktest.eu › english-levels-cIt is recommended to use CEFR levels in job resumes (curriculum vitae, CV, Europass CV) and other English level references. We list here the CEFR descriptors for language proficiency level with the approximate equivalent to other global English evaluation schemes- Cambridge ESOL, Canadian Language Benchmarks / Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CLB/CELPIP), Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL), BULATS, IELTS and TOEFL.
CEFR Descriptors - coe.int
www.coe.int › cefr-descriptorsCEFR Descriptors The CEFR Common Reference levels are fully defined in a structured set of illustrative ‘can-do’ descriptors for many different categories. The original descriptors for both the CEFR and European Language Portfolio were based on those developed in a Swiss National Research Project while also drawing on earlier Council of Europe’s “threshold levels” specifications.