Plugins • Ashita Documentation › pluginsAshita exposes a feature-rich plugin interface that has a handful of useful interfaces and functions for developers to allow them to quickly create new things. Plugins have countless possibilities and endless limits, from simple information displayed on screen, to fully automating various tasks.
www.ashitaxi.comAshita v3 has been revamped to make use of newer C++ language features and data types. The entire ADK has been rewritten making use a C int types making the code easier to read and for non-Windows developers to better understand what data types mean what. Internally, Ashita v3 is now making use of more C++11/C++14 features for more stable and optimized code.
Plugins • Ashita Documentation exposes a feature-rich plugin interface that has a handful of useful interfaces and functions for developers to allow them to quickly create new things. Plugins have countless possibilities and endless limits, from simple information displayed on screen, to fully automating various tasks.
Index • Ashita v4 Documentation
docs.ashitaxi.comWelcome to the Ashita project documentation website. This site is used to help users of Ashita get familiar with its features, commands, as well as help developers further extend the project via plugins and addons. Please use the sidebar to the left to navigate through the various pages of information, or, use the search bar at the top left to look for a specific bit of information.
Ashita Plugins - HomepointXI Wiki › Ashita_PluginsMay 18, 2022 · Ashita Plugins Affinity - Allows players to set the process affinity mask via a simple in-game command. AshitaCast - Manages gear swaps. Bellhop - Facilitates item movement between inventories using typed commands. Dashcam - Allows players to record in-game video with ease (videos will be saved to your Ashita folder within the /videos/ subfolder).
Loading plugsin/addons - Ashita › viewtopicJul 26, 2018 · Move Ashita.exe to its own folder such as C:\Ashita\Ashita.exe and run it again to let it redownload all the main files then pick and install the addons/plugins you want. Then edit your default.txt as needed for things you want auto-loaded. Lead Ashita Developer Want to donate to say thanks? Blackhalo714 Posts: 8