www.ashitaxi.comAshita v3 has been revamped to make use of newer C++ language features and data types. The entire ADK has been rewritten making use a C int types making the code easier to read and for non-Windows developers to better understand what data types mean what. Internally, Ashita v3 is now making use of more C++11/C++14 features for more stable and optimized code.
Ashita Addons - HomepointXI Wiki › Ashita_AddonsMar 28, 2022 · Installation Process For any of the below Ashita plugins, use the following process to install: Click on the link to download the .zip file. Navigate to where you downloaded the .zip file to Open the downloaded .zip file by double-clicking on it. Click on the Extract All button on the Extract → Compressed Folder Tools ribbon
GitHub - Sippius/Ashita-v4-addons: FFXI Ashita-v4 addons › Sippius › Ashita-v4-addonsCustom or converted addons for FFXI Ashita v4. All addons have only been tested on retail. find - Ashita v3 find by MalRD & zombie343 ported to Ashita v4. pupsets - Ashita v4 blusets by atom0s modified to support PUP. Ashita v3 pupsets by DivByZero used for additional reference. Attachment files should contain one entry per line starting with head then body then desired attachments.
Addons - HorizonXI › addonsAs per the Server Rules, the only permissible addons that adventurers may utilize are those listed under the Approved Addons Lists (found below) for either Ashita or Windower. For the sake of transparency, we have also listed all of the addons that HorizonXI staff have reviewed and deemed prohibited. That said, unlisted addons should be considered prohibited and the use of said addons is punishable.