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Studies helsinki

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Gender studies | Faculty of Arts | University of Helsinki › cultures › gender-studies
Gender studies at the University of Helsinki is a research-intensive unit, serving as the base for leadership of many externally funded research projects. These have included an academy professorship project, several Academy of Finland senior research fellow and postdoctoral projects, a Marie Sklodowska-Curie project, and an exceptionally large ...
Bachelor's and Master's Programmes | University of Helsinki › en › admissions-and-education
Explore the University of Helsinki’s bachelor’s and master’s programmes. This page provides links to all English-language degree programmes. The list has our one bachelor's and all the master’s programmes alphabetised according to faculty. If you are interested in studying in Swedish- or in Finnish-language programmes, change the language from from the upper right corner of the page.
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Studies - Helsinki
Mitä tarkoittaa opintojakso? Tutkinto koostuu opintojaksoista, joille on määritelty osaamistavoitteet ja sisällöt opetussuunnitelmassa. Opintojaksosta järjestetään lukuvuoden aikana yleensä yksi tai useampi toteutus (esim. luentokurssi, tentti, seminaari), jonka hyväksytysti suoritettuaan opiskelija on suorittanut kyseisen ...
Helsinki Metropolitan Area - Opiskelijanopas › ...
Welcome to Study in Helsinki, Kauniainen or Nurmijärvi! Helsinki. Cultural Management (Bachelor's) – online studies.
Mitä tarkoittaa opintojakso? Tutkinto koostuu opintojaksoista, joille on määritelty osaamistavoitteet ja sisällöt opetussuunnitelmassa. Opintojaksosta järjestetään lukuvuoden aikana yleensä yksi tai useampi toteutus (esim. luentokurssi, tentti, seminaari), jonka hyväksytysti suoritettuaan opiskelija on suorittanut kyseisen ...
9996 (P2/2021) Global Competence: Social Responsibility across ... › moodle › course › info
9996 (P2/2021) Global Competence: Social Responsibility across Business Studies, Helsinki. The course provides master's students an introduction to key ...
Studies available in English | University of Helsinki › international-students › studies-a...
Explore the degree programmes and other types of studies offered by the University of Helsinki in English, or join us as an exchange or visiting student.
For international students | University of Helsinki › en › admissions-and-education
Study at one of the world's top 1% universities. University of Helsinki in numbers. At the University of Helsinki, we believe that the power of knowledge can change attitudes, people and society – for the world. Our goal is to produce and share high-impact knowledge that contributes to solving global challenges affecting us all.
University of Helsinki
The university is an international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. In international university rankings, the University of Helsinki typically ranks among the top 100. Through the power of science, the University has contributed to society, education and welfare since 1640.
English Studies | Master’s programme | University of ...
In the Master’s Programme in English Studies at the University of Helsinki, you develop your expertise in areas that are often separated in other programmes: English language and linguistics, literature in English and the teaching of English. You can take courses in all three areas or just focus on one of them.
Asian studies | Faculty of Arts | University of Helsinki › cultures › asian-studies
South Asian studies focuses on cultures and societies in the region. South Asia is currently one of the most dynamic, rapidly evolving and diverse regions in the world. On a global scale, India’s impact particularly on the economy, high-tech research, information technology, the arts and the entertainment industry is growing fast. East Asian studies examines the development of Chinese ...
Studies | Department of Computer Science [pre 2018 site]
Includes the Easter holiday 29.3.-4.4.2018. The Bachelor's education gives students a broad base of computer science to build their specialisations on; at the MSc level, the sub-programmes offer them education to become experts in their chosen field. The wide scope and depth of courses are important parts of this expert education.
Studyinfo - Opintopolku › konfo
Plan your studies and apply to study programmes in Finland through Studyinfo. ... the Arts Helsinki is organised in the renewed Studyinfo in January 2022.