Sisu | HYY on käytössäsi! Helsingin yliopisto on korvannut 31.5.2021 WebOodin uudella Sisu-opintojärjestelmällä. Opiskelijana sinä suunnittelet Sisussa opintosi, ilmoittaudut kursseille ja kun aika koittaa, haet tutkintotodistusta.
Study plan in Sisu | Helsingin yliopisto › fi › unitubeThis recording is intended for students at the university to support the use of Sisu. The recording goes through the creation and editing of a study plan. Contents: Creating a new study plan 0:46 Editing a study plan 2:38 Course brochure 3:45 Using the selection assistant 4:50 Adding optional studies 6:12 Adding previously completed studies 6:46 Free edit mode 8:08 General functions 9:18 #sisu ...
Evaluation in Sisu | Helsingin yliopisto › fi › unitubeThis recording is intended for teachers at the university to support the use of Sisu. The recording goes through the evaluation process through a course. The recording does not handle evaluation processes in Moodle, Examinarium or other ways than via Sisu's courses. Contents: 0:26 About courses and evaluation in Sisu 2:13 My teaching page 3:07 Evaluation view on a course 4:05 Evaluation ...