Helsingin yliopiston Moodle-News
https://blogs.helsinki.fi/moodle-news2.2.2022 · Ota yhteyttä: moodle@helsinki.fi Helsingin yliopisto, Digitaalisen opetuksen ja jatkuvan oppimisen palvelut 17.12.2021 Ilmoittaudu kevään Moodle-koulutuksiin! Kevätlukukaudella on tarjolla useita Moodle-koulutuksia. Koulutuksien aiheet vaihtelevat Moodlen perusteista aktiviteettien syvällisempään läpikäyntiin ja arviointiin.
University of Helsinki Moodle-News
blogs.helsinki.fi › moodle-news › enFeb 02, 2022 · Email to moodle@helsinki.fi, University of Helsinki, Services for Digital Education and Continuous Learning 17.12.2021 Come to Moodle training (spring -22) Several Moodle training sessions available in Finnish and Moodle Basics in English! Trainings are webinars at Zoom. Detailed information and registration at Suffeli Learning (links below).
Moodle - Helsinki
wiki.helsinki.fi › display › moodleDec 23, 2021 · Moodle Support in University of Helsinki You are welcome to contact us also in English when in need of pedagogical ideas or technical instructions on how to use Moodle in your teaching. Please, send your email to at moodle@helsinki.fi. Moodle guides for teachers can be found at Managing a Moodle course and About Moodle FAQ.
Moodle - Helsinki
studies.helsinki.fi › instructions › articleYou can log in to Moodle with your University of Helsinki username by clicking on the Moodle button on the relevant course page. The button will appear on the course page and the learning environment will open no later than when the course begins. Information on the opening date can be found on the course page.