Sestertius - Wikipedia sestertius (plural sestertii), or sesterce (plural sesterces), was an ancient Roman coin. During the Roman Republic it was a small, silver coin issued only on rare occasions. During the Roman Empire it was a large brass coin. The name sestertius means "two and one half", referring to its nominal value of two and a half asses (a bronzeRoman coin, singular as), a value that was useful …
sestertius - NumisWiki, The Collaborative Numismatics Project (quasi sesquitertius), the sesterce, a coin in value two asses and a half. It was, therefore, one fourth part of the denarius, and the half of the quinarius, and, when the value of the Roman coinage underwent a change, it shared with them a common fate.It was the smallest coin of the Roman silver mint (exclusive of the "pretended libella", which was the tenth part of a …
Sestertius – Wikipedia oli antiikin roomalainen kolikko. Rooman tasavallan aikoina se oli pieni hopeinen kolikko ja keisariaikana suuri pronssikolikko. Sen nimi on yhdistelmä sanoista semis (’puolikas’) ja tres (’kolme’). Yhdistettynä ja lisättynä adjektiivipäätteellä nämä sanat tarkoittavat kahta ja puolta (”puoli kolmatta”), joka oli rahan alkuperäinen arvo as-rahoina.