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sestertius - NumisWiki, The Collaborative Numismatics Project › numiswiki › view
Sestertius (quasi sesquitertius), the sesterce, a coin in value two asses and a half. It was, therefore, one fourth part of the denarius, and the half of the quinarius, and, when the value of the Roman coinage underwent a change, it shared with them a common fate. It was the smallest coin of the Roman silver mint (exclusive of the "pretended ...
Sesterce - › wiki › Sesterce
JKr . Saatu tapa säilyttää lyhenteen HS, joka on nyt merkityksetön suhteesta ässään sestertiuksen osoittamiseksi. Imperiumin alla oleva messinki sestertius.
Sestertius – Wikipedia - Classici Stranieri › articles › Sestertius
Sestertius oli antiikin roomalainen kolikko. Rooman tasavallan aikoina se oli pieni hopeinen kolikko ja keisariaikana suuri pronssikolikko.
Sestertius Roman Imperial Coins 27 BC-476 AD for sale | eBay › Sestertius-Ro...
Get the best deals on Sestertius Roman Imperial Coins 27 BC-476 AD when you shop the largest online selection at Free shipping on many items ...
Sestertius - definition of Sestertius by The Free Dictionary › Sestertius
Sestertius synonyms, Sestertius pronunciation, Sestertius translation, English dictionary definition of Sestertius. n. A silver or bronze coin of ancient Rome equivalent to one fourth of a denarius.
Bronze sestertius of Trajan | Roman - The Metropolitan ... › search
Bronze sestertius of Trajan A.D. 103–111. Roman. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 169. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GERM DAC P M TR P COS V P P, ...
sestertius - Wiktionary › wiki › sest...
(historical, numismatics) A large bronze or (rarely) small silver coin minted during the Roman Republic and Empire, valued at two and a half asses (a quarter of ...
sesterce | ancient coin | Britannica › topic › s...
(In 89 bc, the sestertius, equal to one-quarter of a denarius, replaced the bronze ass as a unit of account.) In Constantine's reform of ad 312, ...
Sestertius - Wikipedia
The sestertius (plural sestertii), or sesterce (plural sesterces), was an ancient Roman coin. During the Roman Republic it was a small, silver coin issued only on rare occasions. During the Roman Empire it was a large brass coin. The name sestertius means "two and one half", referring to its nominal value of two and a half asses (a bronzeRoman coin, singular as), a value that was useful …
The Britannia Sestertius (141-143 AD) | Baldwin's
The character that became symbolic with our nation’s identity 1400 years after its invention. This Sestertius, a large Roman coin struck in brass, features one of the earliest depictions of Britannia. This example is one of the finest known specimens, probably the finest in private hands, and a truly important piece of British history.
Sestertius - Wikipedia › wiki › Sestertius
Sestertius oli antiikin roomalainen kolikko. Rooman tasavallan aikoina se oli pieni hopeinen kolikko ja keisariaikana suuri pronssikolikko.
sestertius - NumisWiki, The Collaborative Numismatics Project
Sestertius (quasi sesquitertius), the sesterce, a coin in value two asses and a half. It was, therefore, one fourth part of the denarius, and the half of the quinarius, and, when the value of the Roman coinage underwent a change, it shared with them a common fate.It was the smallest coin of the Roman silver mint (exclusive of the "pretended libella", which was the tenth part of a …
FiltersMap Results - Online Coins of the Roman Empire ... › ocre › results
Date: A.D. 9 - A.D. 14; Denomination: Sestertius; Mint: Lugdunum; Obverse: CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE: Head of Augustus, ...
Details for denomination: Sestertius › denominations
The sestertius, or sesterce, was an ancient Roman coin. During the Roman Republic it was a small silver, and rare, coin issued only very occasionally.
Sestertius – Wikipedia
Sestertius oli antiikin roomalainen kolikko. Rooman tasavallan aikoina se oli pieni hopeinen kolikko ja keisariaikana suuri pronssikolikko. Sen nimi on yhdistelmä sanoista semis (’puolikas’) ja tres (’kolme’). Yhdistettynä ja lisättynä adjektiivipäätteellä nämä sanat tarkoittavat kahta ja puolta (”puoli kolmatta”), joka oli rahan alkuperäinen arvo as-rahoina.
Sestertius - Wikipedia › wiki › Sestertius
The sestertius (plural sestertii), or sesterce (plural sesterces), was an ancient Roman coin.During the Roman Republic it was a small, silver coin issued only on rare occasions.
Sestertius Definition & Meaning | › browse › sestertius
Sestertius definition, sesterce. See more. We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms.
The History of Roman Coins - The Sestertius
The sestertius was introduced ca. 211 BC as a small silver coin valued at one-quarter of a denarius (and thus one hundredth of an aureus). A silver denarius was supposed to weigh about 4.5 grammes, valued at ten asses, with the silver sestertius valued at two and one-half asses.