Double sestertius - Wikipedia › wiki › Double_sestertiusAbout AD 259–268. The coin is 34mm wide. The double sestertius was a large Roman coin made of orichalcum ( brass) first issued by Trajan Decius in AD 249–251, as a response to the inflationary pressures of the time which had devalued the buying power of the conventional sestertius. In reality the new coin was little bigger than the traditional sestertius, which by then was being manufactured at a lower weight and smaller size than it had originally been, and was not a success.
Double sestertius | Detailed Pedia › wiki-Double_sestertiusThe double sestertius was a large Roman coin made of orichalcum first issued by Trajan Decius in AD 249-251, as a response to the inflationary pressures of the time which had devalued the buying power of the conventional sestertius. In reality the new coin was little bigger than the traditional sestertius, which by then was being manufactured at a lower weight and smaller size than it had originally been, and was not a success.
double sestertius - NumisWiki, The Collaborative Numismatics ... › numiswiki › viewDouble Sestertius. The double sestertius was a Roman bronze coin denomination, struck at c. 25 - 40g, from 251 to 274 A.D, from the Trajan Decius to Aurelian. Double sestertii show a radiate portrait, or crescent under bust for Etruscilla, the conventional marks of the double denomination for dupondii, antoniniani, and double aurei. They bear the letters S C, which identify them as circulating coinage and distinguish them from medallions.
Sestertius - Wikipedia › wiki › SestertiusThe sestertius, or sesterce, was an ancient Roman coin. During the Roman Republic it was a small, silver coin issued only on rare occasions. During the Roman Empire it was a large brass coin. The name sestertius means "two and one half", referring to its nominal value of two and a half asses, a value that was useful for commerce because it was one quarter of a denarius, a coin worth ten asses. The name is derived from semis, "half" and "tertius", "third", in which "third" refers to the third as:
Double Sestertius › double_sestertiusThe double sestertius was a large Roman coin made of orichalcum (brass) first issued by Trajan Decius in AD 249-251, as a response to the inflationary pressures of the time which had devalued the buying power of the conventional sestertius. In reality the new coin was little bigger than the traditional sestertius, which by then was being manufactured at a lower weight and smaller size than it had originally been, and was not a success.
Sestertius - Wikipedia sestertius was introduced c. 211 BC as a small silver coin valued at one-quarter of a denarius (and thus one hundredth of an aureus). A silver denarius was supposed to weigh about 4.5 grams, valued at ten asses, with the silver sestertius valued at two and a half asses (1.125 grammes). In practice, the coins were usually underweight.