Martti Ahtisaari - CMI › martti-ahtisaariMartti Ahtisaari was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008 for, as the Nobel Committee’s press statement put it, “his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts”. Although a wholehearted global citizen, Ahtisaari is far from being a rootless cosmopolitan.
Martti Ahtisaari - Wikipedia › wiki › Martti_AhtisaariMartti Oiva Kalevi Ahtisaari (Finnish: [ˈmɑrtːi ˈʔoi̯ʋɑ ˈkɑleʋi ˈʔɑhtisɑːri] (); born 23 June 1937) is a Finnish politician, the tenth president of Finland (1994–2000), a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and a United Nations diplomat and mediator noted for his international peace work.
Martti Ahtisaari | Yle Uutiset Ahtisaari. Presidentti Martti Ahtisaarella todettu koronavirustartunta toistamiseen. 2021. Presidentit. Suomalainen rauhantyöntekijä Riikka Marjamäki ja filosofi Pekka Himanen tapasivat kumpikin Desmond Tutun: "Jos hänen filosofiansa tiivistää: vihaa …