Martti Ahtisaari - Wikipedia › wiki › Martti_AhtisaariMartti Oiva Kalevi Ahtisaari (Finnish: [ˈmɑrtːi ˈʔoi̯ʋɑ ˈkɑleʋi ˈʔɑhtisɑːri] (); born 23 June 1937) is a Finnish politician, the tenth president of Finland (1994–2000), a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and a United Nations diplomat and mediator noted for his international peace work.
Martti Ahtisaari – Wikipedia Oiva Kalevi Ahtisaari (s. 23. kesäkuuta 1937 Viipuri) on suomalainen diplomaatti ja Suomen tasavallan kymmenes presidentti vuosina 1994–2000. Ahtisaari oli ensimmäinen, joka valittiin Suomen tasavallan presidentiksi suoralla, kaksivaiheisella kansanvaalilla. Hän on toiminut muun muassa suurlähettiläänä, YK:napulaispääsihteerinä 1977–1981, YK:n alipääsihteerinä 1…
Martti Ahtisaari - CMI › martti-ahtisaariABOUT MARTTI AHTISAARI. Martti Ahtisaari is a former UN diplomat, a Finnish statesman and a renowned peace mediator in international conflicts. Upon leaving office of President of Finland, he founded the Crisis Management Initiative in 2000.
Martti Ahtisaari | EastWest Institute › profile › martti-ahtisaariAhtisaari served as United Nations Commissioner for Namibia from 1977 to 1981. He was appointed Special Representative of the Secretary General for Namibia in July 1978. Martti Ahtisaari served from 1984 to 1986 as Under-Secretary of State in charge of International Development Co-operation in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, as ...