Marko Ahtisaari – Wikipedia › wiki › Marko_AhtisaariMarko Oiva Ilari Ahtisaari (s. 1969 Helsinki) on Helsingin Juhlaviikkojen taiteellinen johtaja 2018–2023. Ahtisaari oli Nokian muotoilusta vastaava johtaja 2009–2013 ja johtokunnan jäsen 2012–2013. Hän on Martti Ahtisaaren ja Eeva Ahtisaaren ainoa lapsi. Ura Marko Ahtisaari vastasi Nokian muotoilusta vuodesta 2009 vuoteen 2013.
Marko Ahtisaari - Typepad › aboutPreviously I was CEO and co-founder of The Sync Project (acquired by Bose) and a Director's Fellow at the MIT Media Lab. From 2009 to 2013 I was head of product design at Nokia, responsible for hardware, user experience and packaging design. The work of the Nokia design team includes the award-winning N9. I left Nokia to be an entrepreneur again.
Marko Ahtisaari - IMDb › name › nm3222365Marko Ahtisaari + Add or change photo on IMDbPro » Marko Ahtisaari was born in 1969 in Helsinki, Finland. He has been married to Lisa Sounio since 2008. See full bio » Born: 1969 in Helsinki, Finland Known For Itsenäisyyspäivän vastaanotto Self (2012) Puoli seitsemän Self (2019) Itsenäisyyspäivän vastaanotto Self (2008)
WITNESS | Marko Ahtisaari - WITNESS › portfolio_page › marko-ahtisaariMarko Ahtisaari, EVP of Design at Nokia He is formerly CEO and co-founder of Dopplr, the social atlas for smart travelers around the world, which was acquired by Nokia in 2009. Previously, Ahtisaari was Director of Design Strategy at Nokia and Head of Brand and Design at Blyk, the free mobile service for young people, funded by advertising.
Overview ‹ Marko Ahtisaari — MIT Media Lab › people › moiaMarko Ahtisaari is an entrepreneur, designer, and investor. He has led product design at Nokia, where he was responsible for both hardware and user interface design. Prior to his time at Nokia, he was CEO and co-founder of Dopplr (acquired by Nokia in 2009) and part of the team at Blyk, the free ad-funded mobile network.
Marko Ahtisaari - Wikipedia Ahtisaari (born 1969 in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finnish technology entrepreneur and musician. Ahtisaari has been CEO and co-founder of two technology companies: Dopplr(acquired by Nokia in 2009) and Sync Project (acquired by Bose in 2018). After the acquisition of Dopplr, Ahtisaari was executive vice president of Design at Nokia and later a Director's Fellow at th…