Kymenlaakso - Wikipedia › wiki › KymenlaaksoKymenlaakso (Swedish: Kymmenedalen; lit. "Kymi/Kymmene Valley") is a region in Finland. It borders the regions of Uusimaa, Päijät-Häme, South Savo and South Karelia and Russia (Leningrad Oblast). Its name means literally The Valley of River Kymi. Kymijoki is one of the biggest rivers in Finland with a drainage basin with 11% of the area of ...
Frontpage | Oy Raisoft Ltd. › enRaisoft's Lisette Nygård is a physiotherapist and holds a master's in health science, for whom the issues of the elderly are very close to her heart. As a physiotherapist, she has supervised many elderly groups and implemented the Aktivoi project, where elderly people regularly performed strength training.
Etusivu | Oy Raisoft Ltd.
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Software | Oy Raisoft Ltd. › en › softwareRAIsoft. Manage costs and improve outcomes by applying effective digital solutions. The RAIsoft product offers extensive features for data collection and reporting. With add-on modules and options for EHR integrations, the solution brings documentation and information sharing to a new level. The versatile admin tool is the powerhouse of the ...
www.kymenlaakso.fiAug 24, 2022 · Tsekkaa #Kymenlaakso n liiton uutiskirje, jossa ajankohtaista mm. AKKE-rahoituksesta, kestävän kehityksen viikosta ja kiertotalouden green deal-työstä, jossa liitto mukana! #uutiset #AKKE #rahoitus #ilmastokestävä #hiilineutraali #kestäväkehitys