Frontpage | Vitec Raisoft › enRaisoft participates the SantExpo from 8 to 10 November in Paris Annual SantExpo is arranged for the 55th time. Expo welcomes 900 exhibitors, 750+ speakers and 30 000 professionals – caregivers, experts, decision makers and health professionals involved in management – to talk about the future of health care systems. Kirjautuminen Tuki: ONGELMATILANTEISSA OTA YHTEYS: Psykiatria: Oman yksikkösi RAI-vastaavaan! Asumispalvelut: Sanna Nygren ja 2m-it Avopalvelut ...
RAISOFT.NET - additional feature | Vitec Raisoft › en › softwareOur software solution is available to users as a SaaS (Software as a Service) cloud service over the internet. Users only need a computer, an internet connection and a compatible browser: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Apple Safari. We take care of the maintenance of the ...
https://turku.raisoft.netVerkkoSari Aaltonen, Marjut Aalto ja 2m-it. OHJEITA: Työaseman Pegasos-kansio->RAI. E-opisto Vanhuspalvelut/Asumispalvelut=?> RAI- yleisiä ohjeita. RAIsoft-tuki: …
Kemijärven kaupunki ostolaskut › cache192, 320, Kemijärvi, 0191717-9, 500113, IN NET OY, 0735508-2, 502.26, 3012022 ... 336, 320, Kemijärvi, 0191717-9, 500219, ATTENDO OY, 1755463-2, 14804.65 ...