Frontpage | Vitec Raisoft › enRaisoft participates the SantExpo from 8 to 10 November in Paris Annual SantExpo is arranged for the 55th time. Expo welcomes 900 exhibitors, 750+ speakers and 30 000 professionals – caregivers, experts, decision makers and health professionals involved in management – to talk about the future of health care systems. Kirjautuminen. Uusi salasana. Salasanat eivät täsmää. Salasana on liian lyhytSalasana ei sisällä erikoismerkkejä tai numeroita. Forgot the password? … Kirjautuminen Tuki: ONGELMATILANTEISSA OTA YHTEYS: Psykiatria: Oman yksikkösi RAI-vastaavaan! Asumispalvelut: Sanna Nygren ja 2m-it Avopalvelut ...
Software | Vitec Raisoft › en › softwareRAIsoft. Manage costs and improve outcomes by applying effective digital solutions. The RAIsoft product offers extensive features for data collection and reporting. With add-on modules and options for EHR integrations, the solution brings documentation and information sharing to a new level. The versatile admin tool is the powerhouse of the ...
www.rainsoft.comA RainSoft test is the first step toward resolving your water woes. We’ll send a water treatment expert to your home to test your tap water, explain the results, and recommend the best solutions to meet your specific needs. Get a Free Water Test.
https://turku.raisoft.netVerkkoSari Aaltonen, Marjut Aalto ja 2m-it. OHJEITA: Työaseman Pegasos-kansio->RAI. E-opisto Vanhuspalvelut/Asumispalvelut=?> RAI- yleisiä ohjeita. RAIsoft-tuki: …