We deliver historical AIS positions and port calls. The source may be Terrestrial AIS receivers or Satellite AIS receivers. Contact us today for a free ...
Provides historical AIS data tracks via the exactEarth HVT API. Description. Historical Vessel Tracks delivers historical ship information related to voyage and ...
Historical AIS data is used for analyzing vessel movements on a global scale, investigating ship accidents or illegal ship-related activities, exploration of ...
Discover historical data, vessel positions and Port Calls! Apply for positions and events regarding more than 550000 active and decommissioned vessels as stored in the MarineTraffic database.The Largest AIS Collection of Historical AIS Data.
Historical AIS Data. The most extensive archive of Satellite and Terrestrial AIS data encompassing ship information related to voyage and static data that dates back to 2009. Historical AIS data is a valuable data source used for vessel traffic analyses, port calls information and accident investigations. It could help to reduce risk and plan ...
Sep 30, 2020 · Our historical D-AIS™ and D-AIS™ subscription service are two ways to use data in different capacities to improve your operations. The D-AIS™ difference is the completeness of the reporting and position updates in the areas that are considered the most important – the high traffic zones.
Discover historical data, vessel positions and Port Calls! Apply for positions and events regarding more than 550000 active and decommissioned vessels as stored in the MarineTraffic database.The Largest AIS Collection of Historical AIS Data.
Historical AIS data gathered by terrestrial AIS stations since 2009. The AIS data has a great value for collision investigations or vessel traffic analyses, port calling information and all services related to vessel movements and their behaviour.
Historical AIS data gathered by terrestrial AIS stations since 2009. The AIS data has a great value for collision investigations or vessel traffic analyses, port calling information and all services related to vessel movements and their behaviour.
Historical AIS data is a valuable data source used for vessel traffic analyses, port calls information and accident investigations. It could help to reduce risk and plan the safest routes based on vessel traffic patterns and seasonal changes. The ship position data provides insights on the performing analysis of potential trends in the shipping ...
Vessel Historical Track service allows you to retrieve historical positions. Both the vessel and time period are defined when calling the service giving you the flexibility to query any number of vessels at various periods of time. Use this service to retrieve historical positions for a specific vessel, enabling you to verify and analyse past ...
31.3.2017 · AIS for Safety and Tracking: A Brief History Data and technology / By Kimbra Cutlip / March 31, 2017 August 31, 2021 / 5 minutes of reading The maritime Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a radio communications system by which vessels continuously broadcast their identity and position over public airwaves using unencrypted VHS radio signals.