Historical AIS - Spire : Global Data and Analytics
spire.com › maritime › solutionsMaritime AIS and vessel tracking data. We provide global maritime AIS data and vessel characteristics, combining Terrestrial AIS, Satellite AIS and Dynamic AIS™. Learn more Get a free data sample or request a callback; Spire Maritime Solutions. Dynamic AIS™ The AIS solution for high traffic zones. Historical AIS data. Years of data via ...
historical AIS data
ais-data.euVerkkohistorical AIS data. Contact. We are tracking ships. Differently. Historical AIS data. Live AIS map. Get historical data. Every day we will provide more than 6 million GPS …
AIS data - Catalog
catalog.data.gov › dataset › ais-data1Aug 19, 2022 · AIS data Metadata Updated: August 19, 2022 Automatic identification system (AIS) data are used to identify and track vessels for various purposes (primarily navigational safety). These data can be used to study vessel traffic, such as ship routing and speed over ground (SOG).
MarineCadastre.gov | Vessel Traffic Data
marinecadastre.gov › aisVessel traffic data, or Automatic Identification System (AIS) data, are collected by the U.S. Coast Guard through an onboard navigation safety device that transmits and monitors the location and characteristics of vessels in U.S. and international waters in real time.