Turun yliopisto
https://www.utu.fiTurun yliopisto Turun yliopisto Opiskelijaksi Tervetuloa meille opiskelijaksi! Tutkimus Monitieteinen tutkimusyhteisö Strategia Tiedekunnat Yritysyhteistyö Elinkeinoelämän …
University of Turku - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_TurkuThe University of Turku (Finnish: Turun yliopisto, in Swedish: Åbo universitet, shortened UTU), located in Turku in southwestern Finland, is the third largest university in the country as measured by student enrollment, after the University of Helsinki and Tampere University. It was established in 1920 and also has facilities at Rauma, Pori, Kevo and Seili. The university is a member of the Coimb…
Yliopiston Apteekki - Turku | Yliopiston Apteekki
Yliopiston Apteekki - Turku Aukioloajat Avoinna vuoden jokaisena päivänä 7-23. | Verkkokaupan pikanouto valittavissa toimitustavaksi 8-21. Käyntiosoite Yliopistonkatu 18, 20100 Turku Aloita navigointi Asiakaspalvelu ja …
Turun yliopisto
www.utu.fiTurun yliopisto Turun yliopisto Opiskelijaksi Tervetuloa meille opiskelijaksi! Tutkimus Monitieteinen tutkimusyhteisö Strategia Tiedekunnat Yritysyhteistyö Elinkeinoelämän kumppani Avoimet tehtävät Tervetuloa meille töihin! Venäjän hyökkäys Ukrainaan – vaikutus Turun yliopistoon Yliopiston ohjeet koronavirustilanteessa Get inspired by science.
Turun yliopiston Moodle
https://moodle.utu.fiKirjaudu Turun yliopiston tunnuksella. Kirjaudu muun korkeakoulun tunnuksella. Kirjaudu erillis- tai Norssi-tunnuksella. Ohita. Sivuston uutiset. Muistutus ensi tiistain 20.9. huoltopäivästä …
University of Turku - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › University_of_TurkuThe University of Turku ( Finnish: Turun yliopisto, in Swedish: Åbo universitet, shortened UTU ), located in Turku in southwestern Finland, is the third largest university in the country as measured by student enrollment, after the University of Helsinki and Tampere University. It was established in 1920 and also has facilities at Rauma, Pori ...
University of Turku
www.utu.fi › enThe University of Turku is an active academic community of 25,000 students and personnel. We study, teach, and work for a better future. ... FI-20014 Turun yliopisto ...
University | University of Turku
www.utu.fi › en › universityWelcome to the University of Turku Alumni relations Alumni - welcome back! Get inspired by your community. We are an inspiring and international academic community of 25,000 students and staff. Contact information and invoicing address People search Map 100 Years of Top Research and Education Strategy 2030 of the University of Turku
University of Turku
The University of Turku is an active academic community of 25,000 students and personnel. We study, teach, and work for a better future. ... FI-20014 Turun yliopisto, Finland. Phone number: +358 29 450 5000 > People Search > …