Turun yliopisto
https://www.utu.fiVerkkoTurun yliopisto Opiskelijaksi Tervetuloa meille opiskelijaksi! Tutkimus Monitieteinen tutkimusyhteisö Strategia Tiedekunnat Yritysyhteistyö Elinkeinoelämän kumppani Avoimet tehtävät Tervetuloa meille töihin! …
Turun yliopiston Moodle
moodle.utu.fiApr 11, 2023 · General UTU instructions; Teacher UTU instructions; New Course request (for teacher) External account request (for teacher) Teacher Moodle Docs Search; Support; helpdesk@utu.fi; phone +358 (0) 29 450 6000; All courses; English (en) Deutsch (de) eesti (et) English (en) Español - España (es_es) Español ...
University of Turku
https://www.utu.fi/enVerkkoUniversity of Turku University of Turku Studying Come study with us! Research Multidisciplinary research community Strategy Faculties Business collaboration Active …
University of Turku
www.utu.fi › enUniversity of Turku University of Turku Studying Come study with us! Research Multidisciplinary research community Strategy Faculties Business collaboration Active partner for business life Open positions Come work with us Russian Invasion of Ukraine – Impact on the University of Turku Get inspired by science. University of Turku 2030.
Home - InFLAMES Research Flagship
inflames.utu.fiMar 15, 2023 · The InFLAMES Flagship (Innovation Ecosystem based on the Immune System) is a joint organization of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University aiming at being an internationally recognized, top-level, immunological research and development cluster that will be globally attractive both for researchers and business partners.
Home of Jarkko Kari - utu
users.utu.fi › jkariOffice: University of Turku, Quantum building, room 365 (3rd floor) Email: jkari@utu.fi; Paper mail: Jarkko Kari, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland; Teaching: Tilings and Patterns (Fall 2021) Cellular Automata (Spring 2022) Automata and Formal Languages (Fall 2022)
FACT SHEET 2023-2024
www.ru.nl › publish › pagesStudent Mobility outgoing@utu.fi, +358 29 450 3140 . General Enquiries . international@utu.fi, +358 450 3138 . Teacher and Staff Mobility . erasmusICM@utu.fi (Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility) iss@utu.fi (International Staff Services for incoming staff and researchers) Erasmus+ Internships . C ontact the host department directly.