Visa/Dankort | Nordea › privat › produkterPriser for Visa/dankort udenfor Min hverdag se prisliste (pdf, 344 KB) Åbner i nyt vindue. Prislisten er et uddrag af Nordea oversigt over priser og regler for Visa/dankort. Køb og hævninger i udenlandsk valuta omregnes til danske kroner ved brug af Nordeas omregningskurs.
Nordea Debit - Cards | Nordea › en › personalWith Nordea Visa Debit you can withdraw cash and pay for purchases in Finland and abroad. Nordea Visa Debit includes the contactless payment feature which allows you to pay for purchases under 50 euros quickly without having to enter your PIN. Apply for a card in netbank Nordea Debit – handier than cash
Log in | Nordea › en › log-inMain menu About us Corporate governance Nordea's legal structure Nordea's re-domiciliation of the parent company (2017-2018) Nordea's simplification of its legal structure (2016-2017) Deposit guarantee scheme Investor compensation scheme
Nordea Credit - Cards | Nordea › en › personalNordea Credit Mastercard brings flexibility to your finances. If you have a combination card, you can choose whether to make a payment directly from your bank account or with the credit facility. When making payments with the credit facility Product Safety Insurance will protect your purchases. The credit limit you may apply for is 1,500 ...