SEPA | Nordea Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) initiative is driven by the European Payments Council. The aim of SEPA is to harmonise electronic euro payments in Europe and thereby to enable companies, public authorities and individuals to issue and receive payments within SEPA zone countries faster, safer and in a more efficient way.
Nordea's selection of credit and debit cards | Nordea › en › personalNordea Debit. You will no longer need any cash if you have Nordea Visa Debit in your wallet. You can pay your purchases in Finland and abroad securely directly from your bank account – just by showing your card to the payment terminal. However, if you need to withdraw cash, you can use your card to do so at ATMs – also abroad.
Nordea Debit - Cards | Nordea › nordea-debitNordea Debit for 6-17-year-olds. You can apply for a Visa Debit card: with your parents' (guardians') consent if you are aged 16–17. without your parents´(guardians´) consent if you have turned 15, have earnings and have opened an account.
Nordea Debit - kortti päivittäisasiointiin | Nordea › nordea-debitNordea Debit -kortti 6-17-vuotiaalle alaikäiselle. Voit hakea Nordea Debit -korttia: vanhempien (edunvalvojiesi) suostumuksella, jos olet 6-17-vuotias. ilman vanhempien (edunvalvojiesi) suostumusta, jos olet täyttänyt 15 vuotta ja sinulla on omia ansiotuloja, joita varten olet avannut tilin. Kortin hakeminen edunvalvojan kanssa
Nordea Debit | Visa Dedit on perustasoinen kansainvälinen debit-maksukortti. Kortin voi saada yli alaikäinen yli 6-vuotias vanhempien suostumuksella.. Kortti sisältää lähimaksuominaisuuden. Korttiin voi suunnitella omavalintaisen MyMoney -kuvan. Lisätietoja Nordean sivulla.
SEPA direct debit - Personal | Nordea › sepa-direct-debitThe SEPA direct debit for debtor consists of two services; CORE and B2B and can be used for euro-dominated payments throughout the SEPA. The CORE service is targeted for corporates and consumers, whereas the B2B service is targeted for corporates only. As a debtor you need to sign a service agreement with Nordea.