Vipps payment method - Adyen › payment-methods › vippsVipps is the dominant mobile payment app in Norway, used by 3 million users (around 75% of the eligible population). Payments can be easily completed through mobile devices, as only a telephone number is needed to send or receive money. Vipps has grown into one of the most recognizable brands in Norway to the point that 'to Vippse' has become a ...
Vipps under 15 › privat › under-15En enklere Vipps-versjon med foreldrekontroll. Vipps under 15 fungerer som en enklere versjon av Vipps, der foreldrene har full oversikt. Barn kan ikke opprette en profil uten foreldrenes hjelp, barnets profil hører til foreldrenes, og foreldrene bestemmer om den under 15 skal få sende penger til andre, eller kun motta penger.
Ungdomskort - › ungdomskortYou can obtain a public transportation pass known as "Ungdomskort" if you meet the conditions, if you are 16-19 years old, a student on a youth education programme or a student on a higher education programme approved for SU. The Ungdomskort provides a daily public transport discount from your residence to the educational institution.
Wallet - Vipps › products › our-products-and-servicesThe core service of the mobile wallet. Users can very easily send money, request funds or settle accounts instantly. Our solution is built to utilise either credit/debit cards or bank accounts as funding sources. Connecting to a real time account-to-account infrastructure enables the best user experience possible, and allows for greater choice ...
The story of Vipps › about-us › story-vippsVipps was launched 30th of May 2015 and instantly became a huge success. In the first year, 1M consumers had Vipps before the year end. Over 80 % was satisfied with the solution and the brand was recognized by more than 80. Today, Vipps is used by over 75% of the Norwegian population and offers a much broader set of simplified payment solutions ...
Mit Ungdomskort
https://www.mitungdomskort.dkBestil Ungdomskort. BEMÆRK: Er du ny bruger her på Mit Ungdomskort, og har du allerede et Ungdomskort, skal du angive første gyldighedsdato på kortet. Ellers risikerer du at få et kort, …