BankID › enBankID for Business Digital identification in your services ; Connect a business To get started ; Connect the public sector Step-by-step guide ; Security How we work with security ; Secure start Secure start will become mandatory ; Personal . Personal ; About BankID Digital identification and signing ; Get BankID How to get BankID ; Support for ...
BankID BankID, the Swedes sign agreements, loan documents and their tax return. They identify themselves in order to be able to pay securely on the internet, log in with försäkringskassan or collect packages from the …
https://www.bankid.comVerkkoWith BankID, the Swedes sign agreements, loan documents and their tax return. They identify themselves in order to be able to pay securely on the internet, log in with försäkringskassan or collect packages from the …
BankID | SpareBank 1 › mobil-og-nettbank › bankidBankID er en sikker og enkel måte å identifisere deg på nett. Du kan bruke BankID når du skal handle i nettbutikker, logge inn i nettbanken og signere dokumenter. Slik kommer du i gang med BankID 1. Vis fram gyldig legitimasjon Du må møte opp i banken og identifisere deg med pass eller norsk nasjonalt ID-kort for å få BankID. Finn bankkontor.