VA Health Care | Veterans Affairs › health-careNov 23, 2021 · With VA health care, you’re covered for regular checkups with your primary care provider and appointments with specialists (like cardiologists, gynecologists, and mental health providers). You can access Veterans health care services like home health and geriatric (elder) care, and you can get medical equipment, prosthetics, and prescriptions. Find out how to apply for and manage the health ...
VA Health Care | Veterans Affairs · With VA health care, you’re covered for regular checkups with your primary care provider and appointments with specialists (like cardiologists, gynecologists, and mental health providers). You can access Veterans health care services like home health and geriatric (elder) care, and you can get medical equipment, prosthetics, and prescriptions.
Your Complete Guide to VA Healthcare Benefits › healthbenefits › resourcesBasic Eligibility for VA Health Care If you served in the active military, naval or air service and were separated under any condition other than dishonorable, you may qualify for VA health care benefits. Current and former members of the Reserves or National Guard who were called to active duty (other than for training only) by a Federal Order and
Health Benefits and Issues for Veterans | USAGov · Care from community health care providers when the VA can't provide what you need. The VA bases eligibility on your needs, circumstances, and specific requirements. Mental health care. Women veterans health care. Find VA Medical Facilities. When you sign up for VA health benefits, you'll pick one VA location for your regular care. The VA may ...
VA Benefit Eligibility Matrix · Travel allowance for scheduled appointments for care at a VA medical facility or VA authorized health care facility. Waiver of VA funding fee for VA home loan. Burial and plot allowance. Use of commissaries, exchanges, and morale, welfare and recreation (MWR) retail facilities, in-person and online. Service connected disability rated at 10%.
Veterans Health Benefits Handbook - Health Benefits › healthbenefits › vhbhMay 05, 2020 · All new enrollees will receive a personalized Veterans Health Benefits Handbook, generally two weeks after enrollment has been confirmed. The handbooks are tailored specifically for each Veteran and provide detailed, updated information about the VA health care benefits the Veteran may be eligible to receive, such as medications, prosthetics ...