Family Members of Veterans - Health Benefits - Veterans Affairs › healthbenefits › accessUnder certain circumstances, family members of Veterans are eligible for health benefits. Some of the programs offered include the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA), Spina Bifida (SB), Children of Women Vietnam Veterans (CWVV), and Caregiver. Using these programs may reduce or eliminate your cost for medical supplies, office visits or prescriptions.
VA Health Care | Veterans Affairs › health-careJan 13, 2022 · VA health care. With VA health care, you’re covered for regular checkups with your primary care provider and appointments with specialists (like cardiologists, gynecologists, and mental health providers). You can access Veterans health care services like home health and geriatric (elder) care, and you can get medical equipment, prosthetics, and prescriptions.
Family Members -- VA, Affordable Care Act and You › health › acaVA health care coverage is available for family members of certain Veterans who are permanently and totally disabled or died serving our country and, in some cases, Veterans with children who have Spina Bifida. Family Members and the Marketplace. The Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care law, was created to provide more Americans with access to affordable health insurance, improve the quality of health care and health insurance, and reduce health care spending in the U.S.
VA Medical Care for Family - › va-medical-care-for-familyVA Medical Care for Family insurance programs organized by the VA are available for eligible family members of particular veterans entitled the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA). Once a veteran is enrolled in CHAMPVA, it operates similarly to Medicare in that the veteran pays an annual deductible and a co-pay for medical care they receive.