MEDIA MAIL SERVICE - USPS › notices › not121Media Mail shipping is a cost-effective way to send educational materials. This service has restrictions on the type of media that can be shipped. Media Mail rates are limited to the items listed below: Books (at least 8 pages). Sound recordings and video recordings, such as CDs and DVDs. Play scripts and manuscripts for books, periodicals, and ...
USPS Media Mail Rules - US Global Mail › usps-media-mail-rulesNov 05, 2021 · Overall, the Media Mail rules are designed to ensure the shipping option is used as intended – for sending educational materials as cheaply as possible. However, it is important to know that these rules are strictly enforced, and if you break them, you or the recipient may have to pay the full postage cost that the item would have incurred ...
Media Mail Service - USPS › notices › not121Media Mail Service. Books (at least 8 pages). Sound recordings and video recordings, such as CDs and DVDs. Playscripts and manuscripts for books, periodicals, and music. Printed music. Computer-readable media containing prerecorded information and guides or scripts prepared solely for use with such media. Sixteen millimeter or narrower width films.