Video Games | Shipment Via Media Mail › media-mail › video-gamesVideo games are qualified for Media Mail shipping according to postal regulations, but every individual post office will offer their interpretation of the regulations. Video Games and Media Mail Typically, customers get ten different answers for each regulation question asked of ten different postal employees at the same location, let alone from branch to branch.
Are video game manuals media mail or not - eBay › t5 › SellingMay 01, 2019 · Are video game manuals media mail or not. 05-01-2019 05:46 PM. No. They are not media mail. Welll... looking into this got kind of weird. First, the USPS Media Mail Eligibility quick reference chart ( here) gives a flat "Yes" for the Instruction Manuals category (near the bottom of the page, under "OTHER MISC").