2D Pathfinding in Unity using A* Pathfinding | Towards …
Create Obstacles for 2D Pathfinding in Unity Your Scene should have (at least) two separate tilemaps for Obstacles and mere visual objects (e.g., Backgrounds). Add colliders to the ones with Obstacles for each Obstacle. Then create a new layer, call it “Obstacles,” and add the Layer to your Tilemap. However, you don’t have to do it that way.
Unity-2D-Pathfinding - Unity Forum
forum.unity.com › threads › unity-2d-pathfindingDec 24, 2018 · Unity-2D-Pathfinding - Unity Forum. Forums > Welcome to the Unity Forums > Teaching & Certification > Community Learning & Teaching >. Search Forums. Recent Posts. Join us on Thursday, September 29, for a day with Unity's SRP teams here on the forum or on Reddit, and discuss topics around URP, HDRP, and the Scriptable Render Pipeline in general.