University of Eastern Finland - › enThe University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is an international, participatory and inclusive scientific community. We have four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science and Forestry, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies. Our campuses are located in Joensuu and Kuopio.
https://weboodi.uef.fiWeboodin käyttö on päättynyt / WebOodi has been disabled 31.10.2021. Siirry joko Peppiin tai WebOodin lukukäyttöön / Go to use either Peppi or WebOodi in ...
WebOodi - Read Only - Course catalogue information › weboodi › vl_kehysMultidisciplinary doctoral programme of Welfare, Health and Management (WELMA) brings together two faculties and three different departments in UEF. Within the strategy of the University of Eastern Finland, the WELMA doctoral programme has strong links with emerging research fields: Welfare ruptures and Effectiveness of social and health care.