Student and study register – Peppi - UEF Kamu › student-and-study-register-peppiPeppi is an information system entity that is formed by the student and study register, education planning and, facility and resource reservations. In Peppi, different functions are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Students, teachers, PSP instructors, coordinators, amanuenses, study secretaries, study coordinators, persons ...
10088 Itä-Suomen yliopisto | Opinto-opas 2022-2023
opas.peppi.uef.fiKirjaudu Peppiin osoitteessa Tutustu avoimen yliopiston tarjontaan tai täydennyskoulutukseen jatkuvan oppimisen sivustolla osoitteessa Lisää tietoa opiskelusta Itä-Suomen yliopistossa löydät verkkosivulta
Front page | Opinto-opas 2022-2023 › en › front-pageWelcome to the UEF Study Guide in Peppi! You will find curricula, course descriptions and course implementations in the UEF Study Guide by academic year. Bachelor's Degree Programmes. Master's Degree Programmes. Minor Subjects and Other Study Modules. Courses for Exchange Students, academic year 2023-24.