FAQ-How do I detect different types of stamp paper?
blog.arpinphilately.com › faq-how-do-i-detectJul 18, 2018 · Our last article explained how paper is made (click here to see article). This article will list and define the most common types of stamp paper you may come across. Make it your go-to reference guide for stamp paper! In alphabetical order: Chalk: a paper that has been coated with a chalk solution in order to prevent the washing and reuse of the stamp. This coating is water soluble, so if you soak a stamp printed on chalk paper, the inked design with come off.
Types of Stamp Papers - LegalRaj
www.legalraj.com › types-of-stamp-papersTypes of Stamp Papers 1.Judicial Stamp Papers Judicial Stamp Papers are used for transactions with judiciary in Civil and Criminal Courts. 2.Non-Judicial Stamp Papers Non-Judicial Stamp Papers are used for paying tax or any transactions concerning taxes. Some... 3.Impressed Stamp/Special Adhesive ...
Legato |Types of Stamp Paper
legatoapp.com › legato › homeApr 16, 2019 · Following are the types of Stamp Paper: Judicial Stamp Paper; The Judicial stamp papers are generally used for a legal purpose or court cases. They are used for payment of court fee to avoid cash transactions. The proceedings of the court start only after the parties pay the court fees with respect to their legal matters. Non-Judicial Stamp Paper