Types of Stamp Papers - LegalRaj
www.legalraj.com › types-of-stamp-papersThe denominations available for these Stamp Papers are Rs. 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000. Types of Non-Judicial Stamp papers are as follows: i.e-Stamp Paper. The circulation of Stamp Papers is spiralling downwards as today we are equipped with better a tool, which is the e-Stamp Paper. e-Stamp Papers are widely used for the purpose of sealing Leave and License Agreements.
Non Judicial e Stamp Paper | Purchase Online
e-stamp paper is a computer-based application and a secure way of paying non-judicial stamp duty to the government. Please note that e-stamp paper means paying stamp duty electronically to the government; it does not mean that the …
Non Judicial Stamp Papers and its Value - Law Insider India
2.4.2021 · They are of two kinds: Judicial, used for legal and court work; non-judicial, assigned for registration of documents, insurance policies, to name a few. The stamp papers are a crucial source of income for several developing …
What Is Non-Judicial e-Stamp Paper - eDrafter.in
Stamp Paper of Rs. 10 used for Affidavit, Declaration, Undertaking etc. Stamp Paper of Rs. 20 for Special Power of Attorney. Stamp Paper of Rs. 50 for General Power of Attorney/Agreement. Stamp Paper of Rs. 100 for Indemnity Bond, …