How to Submit an Abstract to APS Meetings › meetings › abstractReview the abstract submission policies listed below, and make sure to read our Code of Conduct for APS Meetings. Eligibility. Become a member before you submit. Membership is not required for invited speakers or reciprocal society members, but you will need to create an APS web account in order to submit an abstract.
APS Claims Submission Form › benefits › Documentsto submit a CMS 1500 for (no cover sheet required) directly to APS. You should then sign Box 13 of the CMS 1500 form to assign payment to your provider. Send claims to: APS/SOM Claims Unit P.O. Box 99 Linthicum, MD 21090 For any further questions regarding submission of claims, please call the APS dedicate State of Maryland Team at: 1-877-239-1458.
Submit to APS Journals with APS. Note: Before submitting your manuscript, please see the Instructions for Preparing Your Manuscript to familiarize yourself with the structure you will need to apply to your manuscript to meet our editorial specifications. There is very useful information there to help you prepare your content so that it flows smoothly through our peer review process, as well as …
Submit a Manuscript to an APS Journal a Manuscript to an APS Journal. Everything you need to know about submitting a manuscript to an APS Journal can be found in the Author Instructions. Submit an article to Phytopathology. Submit an article to Plant Disease. Submit an article to MPMI. Submit an article to Plant Health Progress. Submit an article to Phytobiomes.
How to Submit an Abstract to APS Meetings the abstract submission policies listed below, and make sure to read our Code of Conduct for APS Meetings. Eligibility. Become a member before you submit. Membership is not required for invited speakers or reciprocal society members, but you will need to create an APS web account in order to submit an abstract.
Submit to APS Journals › submitSUBMIT SUBSCRIBE HELP Publish with APS Note: Before submitting your manuscript, please see the Instructions for Preparing Your Manuscript to familiarize yourself with the structure you will need to apply to your manuscript to meet our editorial specifications.
Publications | APS Physics publications serve the international physics community with peer-reviewed research journals, news and commentary about the latest research published in the Physical Review journals, news about and for members, information about physics and its place in the world, and blogs covering science policy, as well as fun and educational science news.
Submissions | APS Authors is a member of Crossref, a multi-publisher initiative to combat plagiarism and help verify the originality of submitted and published works. Manuscripts submitted to APS journals may be selected by the editors for comparison with the Crossref database, into which Crossref members deposit their published content. To find out more visit Crossref.
Physical Review Journals
https://publish.aps.orgOperations at APS will pause starting December 25 through January 2. Journal articles will continue to be published December 27 through December 30. Submissions, referee reports, and other correspondence will be received and timestamped. Normal business operations will …