ACTA PHYSICA SLOVACA acta physica slovaca is an internationally recognised physics journal originally established in 1950. Since 1998 listed in Current Contents. Since 2006, acta physica slovaca publishes review and tutorial articles. Papers written by specialists in a given field are intended to be accessible also to non-specialists and PhD students.
Physics - spotlighting exceptional research
https://physics.aps.orgPhysics - spotlighting exceptional research synopsis A Quick Way to Measure Isotope Ratios May 5, 2022 A new laser-based method allows scientists to detect and determine the isotope concentration of different chemicals in a gas in a short time. Read More » Research News Unpolarized Light Could Separate Chiral Molecules May 4, 2022
Physics - spotlighting exceptional research of Modern Physics; Physical Review A; Physical Review B; Physical Review C; Physical Review D; Physical Review E; Physical Review Research; Physical Review Accelerators and Beams; Physical Review Applied; Physical Review Fluids; Physical Review Materials; Physical Review Physics Education Research; Physical Review; Physical Review ...
Physical Review Journals
https://journals.aps.orgAPS has appointed Professor Joseph Kapusta, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota as the Lead Editor of Physical Review C. Professor Kapusta takes the helm following the journal’s previous Lead Editor Benjamin F. Gibson. Read More More News ANNOUNCEMENT Meet Our New RMP Associate Editor Thomas Powers January 25, 2022
Home - Unit - APS-DPP research encompasses the study of the fundamental interactions of particles and light in plasmas, the study of astrophysical plasmas from planetary cores to stars, new theoretical and computational techniques to describe plasmas, and the practical application of plasmas for energy, manufacturing, medicine, agriculture, and national security.
Physics - Two Spins Take the Quantum Bus › articles › v15May 02, 2022 · May 2, 2022 • Physics 15, 65 Coupling between remote spins on a chip via virtual photons exchanged through a superconducting resonator could lead to gate operations between distant spin qubits. APS/ Alan Stonebraker Figure 1: Two qubits coupled to the same microwave resonator can be coupled via the exchange of virtual photons.
DBIO - American Physical Society Division of Biological Physics, established in 1973, is composed of individuals who are interested in the study of biological phenomena using physical approaches and in investigations into the physical principles and mechanisms by which living organisms survive, adapt, and grow.
APS Physics | APS Home
https://www.aps.orgAmerican Physical Society (APS) is a non-profit membership organization working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy and international activities.
Physics - spotlighting exceptional research
physics.aps.orgPhysics - spotlighting exceptional research synopsis A Quick Way to Measure Isotope Ratios May 5, 2022 A new laser-based method allows scientists to detect and determine the isotope concentration of different chemicals in a gas in a short time. Read More » Research News Unpolarized Light Could Separate Chiral Molecules May 4, 2022
Home | Effective Practices for Physics Programs
https://ep3guide.orgDeveloped and reviewed by experts in the physics community, these sections have been approved by the task force. They address a wide range of topics relevant to ensuring a thriving physics program, including actionable practices and implementation strategies. Recruiting of Undergraduate Physics Majors Retention of Undergraduate Physics Majors
Physical Review Letters American Physical Society (APS) today released the details of its name change policy for the Physical Review journals. The policy is intended to make the world’s leading physics journals more inclusive and ensure authors retain ownership of prior work published under a different name. Introducing PRX Energy June 2, 2021
APS March Meeting 2022 - American Physical Society
https://march.aps.orgThe annual March Meeting is a signature APS event that attracts a diverse international community of roughly 10,000 scholars to present and exchange ideas at the cutting edge of current physics research in a wide range of topics involving theoretical, experimental, and computational advances and to offer the next generation of physicists insight into many exciting career opportunities.
APS Physics | APS Home
www.aps.orgAmerican Physical Society (APS) is a non-profit membership organization working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy and international activities.