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sobre in english

Sobre | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict › Translate
sobre · 1 (encima de) on · 2 (por encima de) [+lugar] over · 3 (indicando superioridad) over · 4 (indicando proporción) out of; in · 5 (Economía) on · 6 ( ...
Sobre in english - inenglish
28.1.2022 · Translation of "sobre" in English. about over above upon onto surrounding on top of. out of. around o’er information envelope awareness. sack. pay envelope. regarding. concerning …
Sobre | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict › translate › sobr
sobre ( soh - breh ) preposition 1. (atop) a. on ¡No pongas los pies sobre la mesa!Don't put your feet on the table! 2. (relating to) a. about La conferencia es sobre la tecnología.The conference is about technology. 3. (above) a. over El pájaro se alzó y voló sobre nuestras cabezas.The bird rose and flew over our heads. 4. (approximately) a. about
Sobre in English -
Need the translation of "Sobre" in English but even don't know the meaning? Use to cover it all. Translation Services; API; Pricing; Languages. Spanish ; Portuguese …
sobre - Translation into English - examples Spanish - Reverso
Translation of "sobre" in English. Adverb / Other. Noun. Verb. over above upon concerning onto surrounding toward on top of information envelope awareness cover. sack. about regarding …
sobre - Diccionario Inglés-Español
WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2022: Principal Translations. Spanish. English. sobre prep. (por encima de) over, above prep. El avión volaba sobre Mónaco. The airplane flew …
Sobre in English - › ... › Filipino-English › S
Need the translation of "Sobre" in English but even don't know the meaning? Use to cover it all.
Sobre in english | Spanish Translator in english
Translate Sobre in english. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
sobre | translate French to English - Cambridge Dictionary › sobre
sobre translate: sober, simple, understated, abstemious, sober, sober. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary.
sobre in English - French-English Dictionary | Glosbe
Check 'sobre' translations into English. Look through examples of sobre translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
Sobre | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict
4. (approximately) a. about. Siguiendo la receta, debería tardar en cocinarse sobre ocho minutos. Following the recipe, it should take about eight minutes to cook. b. around. Mi clase tiene sobre …
Translate "sobre" from Spanish to English - Interglot Mobile › sobre
Wiktionary · leave; → quedar; sobrar; · to stay behind while others withdraw. remain; → quedarse; sobrar; ...
sobre translation in English | Spanish-English dictionary ... › spanish-english › sobre
8 (=además de) in addition to, on top of. sobre todas mis obligaciones ahora tengo una nueva on top of all my duties I now have a new one. 9 sobre todo (=en primer lugar) above all (=especialmente) especially. sobre todo, no perdamos la calma above all, let's keep calm.
SOBRE - Translation in English -
volume_up. atop {prp.} (on top of) sobre (also: con respecto a, en lo que respecta a, acerca de, en lo que se refiere a, en relación con, con relación a, en lo tocante a, en lo que concierne a) …
Sobre in english - Translation / Dictionary portuguese » english,english,sobre
Translations. sobrancelha in english - eyebrow, brow, eyebrows, eyelid. sobrar in english - remain, left over, be left, leftovers, leftover, remainder. sobrecarregar in english - overload, overcharge, …
Sobre- | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict › translate › sobre-
sobre- ( soh - breh ) prefix 1. (excess) a. over- Muchos marineros sobrevalúan sus capacidades y se pierden en el mar.Many sailors overestimate their abilities and get lost at sea. b. super- Los hechos sobrenaturales y lo paranormal despiertan curiosidad. I'm curious about supernatural events and the paranormal. 2. (above) a. over-
sobre in English - Aragonese-English Dictionary | Glosbe
Check 'sobre' translations into English. Look through examples of sobre translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
sobre in English - Spanish-English Dictionary | Glosbe › es › en
sobre in English Spanish-English dictionary sobre noun verb adposition masculine + grammar En relación con; envuelto en; con la intención de. +6 definitions translations sobre + Add envelope noun en wrapper for mailing +3 definitions No podemos abrir este sobre hasta que llegue Tom. We can't open this envelope until Tom gets here.
sobre - Translation into English - examples Portuguese › translation › sobre
Translations in context of "sobre" in Portuguese-English from Reverso Context: informações sobre, e sobre, informação sobre, falar sobre, é sobre.
SOBRE - Translation in English - › dictionary › portuguese-english › sobre
"sobre" in English. volume_up. sobre {prp.} EN. volume_up. about; on; over; up; upon; above; onto; atop; on to; out of every; for every.
Sobres | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict › translate › sobres
1. (quedar, restar) a. to be left over, to be spare. nos sobró comida we had some food left over. 2. (haber de más) a. to be more than enough. parece que van a sobrar bocadillosit looks like there are going to be too many sandwiches. 3. (estar de más) a. to be superfluous. lo que dices sobra that goes without saying.
English Translation of “sobre” - Collins Dictionary › french-english › so...
In other languages. sobre ... When you are sober, you are not drunk. He was completely sober. American English: sober /ˈsoʊbər/ ...
sobre - Translation into English - examples Spanish - Reverso › spanish-english › sobre
Translation of "sobre" in English. Adverb / Other. Noun. Verb. over above upon concerning onto surrounding toward on top of information envelope awareness cover. sack. about regarding tax. Show more. Circuito de protección contra sobre corriente, sobre voltaje y sobre calor.