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sobre meaning in english

English translation of 'sobre' - Collins Dictionary › french-english › sobre
sobre [sɔbʀ ] adjective 1. [personne] (qui mange et boit peu) abstemious (qui ne boit pas) teetotal 2. [style] sober [vêtement] plain ⧫ simple C’est une veste très sobre. It’s a very plain jacket. Collins French-English Dictionary © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. Examples of 'sobre' in a sentence sobre
What does 'sobre' mean in Spanish? How is it used? - Quora › What-does-sobre-mean-in-S...
a) Morning. It is a feminine noun: esta mañana, 'this morning'. However, good morning should be translated as buenos días or, also in Latin American Spanish, ...
Sobre in english | Spanish Translator in english
WebTranslate Sobre in english. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
Sobre- | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict › translate › sobre-
sobre- ( soh - breh ) prefix 1. (excess) a. over- Muchos marineros sobrevalúan sus capacidades y se pierden en el mar.Many sailors overestimate their abilities and get lost at sea. b. super- Los hechos sobrenaturales y lo paranormal despiertan curiosidad. I'm curious about supernatural events and the paranormal. 2. (above) a. over-
English Translation of “sobre” - Collins Dictionary › french-english › s...
When you are sober, you are not drunk. He was completely sober. American English: sober /ˈsoʊbər/; Arabic: ...
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Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
sobre - Wiktionary › wiki › so...
From Spanish sobre (“envelope”). NounEdit. sobre. envelope. DanishEdit. Adjective ...
Translate "sobre" from Spanish to English - Interglot Mobile › sobre
Wiktionary · leave; → quedar; sobrar; · to stay behind while others withdraw. remain; → quedarse; sobrar; ...
sobre translation in English | French-English dictionary | Reverso
Web1. (person) se déshydrater 2. (alcoholic) devenir sobre; se faire désintoxiquer ; suivre une cure de désintoxication [Fig.]
sobre | translate Spanish to English - Cambridge Dictionary › spanish-english › sobre
sobre noun envelope [noun] a thin, flat wrapper or cover, especially for a letter packet [noun] a small often flat, usually paper or cardboard container, especially one in which food is sold or in which small objects are sent through the post top [noun] the upper surface
sobre | translate French to English - Cambridge Dictionary › so...
sobre translate: sober, simple, understated, abstemious, sober, sober. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary.
Sobre | Spanish to English Translation -
WebTranslate Sobre. See 9 authoritative translations of Sobre in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.
sobre - English translation – Linguee
WebMany translated example sentences containing "sobre" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations.
Sobre | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict › translate › sobr
sobre ( soh - breh ) preposition 1. (atop) a. on ¡No pongas los pies sobre la mesa!Don't put your feet on the table! 2. (relating to) a. about La conferencia es sobre la tecnología.The conference is about technology. 3. (above) a. over El pájaro se alzó y voló sobre nuestras cabezas.The bird rose and flew over our heads. 4. (approximately) a. about
English translation of 'sobre' - Collins Online Dictionary
WebAmerican English: atop / əˈtɒp / Brazilian Portuguese: sobre; Chinese: 在...之上; European Spanish: encima de; French: au-dessus de; German: auf; Italian: sopra a; Japanese: ~ …
sobre - Translation into English - examples Portuguese › translation › sobre
Translations in context of "sobre" in Portuguese-English from Reverso Context: e sobre, falar sobre, é sobre, relatório sobre, sobre mim.
SOBRE - Translation in English - › dictionary › portuguese-english › so...
"sobre" in English. volume_up. sobre {prp.} EN. volume_up. about; on; over; up; upon; above; onto; atop; on to; out of every; for every.
sobre | translate French to English - Cambridge Dictionary
Websobre translate: sober, simple, understated, abstemious, sober, sober. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary.
Sobre- | Spanish to English Translation -
WebThesaurus sobre- ( soh - breh ) prefix 1. (excess) a. over- Muchos marineros sobrevalúan sus capacidades y se pierden en el mar.Many sailors overestimate their abilities and get …
What does sobre mean in Spanish? - WordHippo › what-is
Need to translate "sobre" from Spanish? Here are 12 possible meanings.
sobre | English translation - Cambridge Dictionary
Websobre preposition about [preposition] on the subject of above [preposition] in a higher position than upon [preposition] on on [preposition] touching, fixed to, covering etc the …
English translation of 'sobre' - Collins Online Dictionary
Webadjective 1. sober 2. plain C’est une veste très sobre. It’s a very plain jacket. Collins Beginner’s French-English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved …
Sobre | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict › Translate
sobre · 1 (encima de) on · 2 (por encima de) [+lugar] over · 3 (indicando superioridad) over · 4 (indicando proporción) out of; in · 5 (Economía) on · 6 ( ...
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WebGoogle's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.